
Changes in FAA Policy for the Dissemination of Letters to Airmen

This Letter to Airmen serves as notice of changes in FAA policy for the dissemination of Letters to Airmen via a web client application. This becomes effective February 18, 2014.  FAA facilities will discontinue dissemination of Letters to Airmen via prior means (i.e. US Postal Service, email or bulletin board postings). Letters to Airmen will be available via the following web URL:

Aviation Resources

  • angel-flight-logo-lrgAngel Flight is a wonderful organization providing you the opportunity to fly and help others at the same time.  A lot of Angel Flight missions have been flown in conjunction with hurricane relief in addition to the standard patient missions.  If you are interested and are IFR rated please visit their web site to sign up.  We can conduct your volunteer pilot orientation at MDQ and get you in the air helping others right away.

Flight Planning

  • Check out when planning your next flight.  Everything you need to select airports, FBOs, routes, approaches, and file that flight plan is here.  You can even send a fax to your destination FBO with your service request!  And, best of all, it's FREE!
  • NOTAMS - Get a quick local NOTAM lookup at
  • FAA's Special Traffic Management Program (e-STMP) - To get "slot times" for major events, register here.  The site has recently been changed, so even if you have used it in the past, you will need to re-register before using it again.

Flight Training

  • IACRA - When you're ready for that check ride, visit the FAA's Integrated Airman Application and/or Rating Application.  IACRA is an online tool available to designated pilot examiners, instructors, and students for filling out, submitting, and approving airman applications online. Pilots are issued a unique code so that only their instructor and examiner can review the application.  Much better than hassling with that paper 8710 form.
  • At you can find FAA sponsored safety information: sign up on SPANS for safety seminar notification, search for any local events, or visit the Aviation Learning Center for online courses.
  • Don't have that FAR/AIM handy?  Then check for what you need to know.
  • TSA Flight Security Awareness Training required for all CFIs and flight school employees.  Additional information regarding TSA requirements can be found here.

Aviation Calendar and Events

  • maintains a schedule of aviation events nationwide.  Next time you're looking for a destination on a great flying day, check it out.  You can also sign up for an email blast of upcoming events in your area.

Aviation News

  • Aviation news and videos up to the minute at Aero-News.Net
  • A great resource for Alabama airports and news is AlabamaAviator.
  • AvWeb is a great news resource for pilots.  Be sure to sign up for their AVFlash e-newsletter.
  • is a great easy to use and free flight tracking site.
  • has aviation databases, news, forums, and flight planning tools.

Aviation Organizations

  • AOPA - Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association - If you're a pilot (or a student pilot) this organization is for you.  Be sure to sign up for their emailed newsletters.
  • Visit to learn about General Aviation's critical role in our national economy and the essential role it plays in the daily lives of all Americans.
  • Learn about Madison County Executive Airport and the Authority at
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